Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Happy Birthday, Bear!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Whole Lotta Cryin' Going On.....

Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Random Ramblings...
So many things going on in the day to day living here. So many blog posts. So little time. Life is busy (See below...)
But, we are LOVING summer! School has wrapped up for the kids. Mom still has lots of work to do at school but that will happen over the course of the summer. Soccer continues in full swing for three of us, golf for the fourth.
Sara, however, is having quite the exciting trip. Her grandparents took her on a trip to BC to visit her aunt, uncle and cousins. Lucky girl! She'll be gone for 10 days. I know she'll have a great time, but we sure will miss her!
Connor is busy at soccer camp this week, sweating his little behind off! With 43 humidex, it's a little (OK, a lot) icky here this week. He's staying well hydrated, inside at times, and in the shade other times. Fun but tiring stuff!
Steve is busy back at work, sweating his little behind off! I feel so sorry for him an others working outside in this kind of heat! (in jeans and workboots, nonetheless! YUCK!!). His healing has gone really well. He is now able to work, swim an shower without a problem. He will not get the processor until September as the post takes 3 months to fuse with his skull. Otherwise, he feels great.
And let's just talk a minute about World Cup Soccer. Can you say, "AWESOME????" With four parents born in Holland, you know you we are rooting for! And the Dutch have not let us down! We have thoroughly enjoyed watching all the games and can't wait until the final on Sunday when HOLLAND WINS the World Cup!
Hup, Holland, Hup!!