Last year, February brought me a hard decision.
Annette, being a chartered accountant, had done my taxes for as long as I've needed to file an income tax return. It was great: Give her the papers and it comes back done. Last February, I felt much melancholy about what to do. Hire an accountant? (definitely didn't feel like doing that last year) Go to a little tax booth that pop up all over that malls this time of year? Or, as the dutch in me prefers: Try it myself.
So I jumped in with 2 feet and bought the little box of software that lets you do it yourself (that's what Annette used too, so I figured I was safe... sorta). And... I was quite successful, thank you very much!
So again this year I did my own taxes. It wasn't a hard decision to do it myself. But it did make me miss Annette just a little more that day.