Friday, August 25, 2006

The light is returning

I'm feeling a bit better today - emotionally and physically. I've had some time to process this news and deal with it. I think one of the hardest things is waiting for the next steps. Not having a game plan in place when we heard the news made it worse as there didn't seem to be anywhere to go. But, we WILL have something in place. There are other options.

I have also been incredibly encouraged by the support of people who've emailed, posted on my blog, called, dropped off a book or cookies (I have a wonderful cookie fairy who delivers fairly regularly). Your support means the world to me. Even if you don't know what to say, and honestly, I totally understand how hard it is, just the fact that you're thinking and praying for me lifts me up.

I also met with my Pastor and his wife yesterday and was greatly encouraged by their wisdom and honesty.

Please continue to pray for healing, wisdom for the doctors as we map out a game plan, for strength for Tom and me, and for the gift of being able to find enjoyment in every day.


The Mom said...

Annette, you guys are continually in our prayers! I can only imagine what you are feeling, and I wish I could do more than offer prayers and positive thoughts for you. The docs will find a way - miracles happen, and I'm praying for healing for you!


Anonymous said...

Annette... we are praying so hard for you, Tom and the boys...My sister-in-law is doing very well with "alternate medicine" for her cancer, she teaches Doctors about methods. I will check with her, I know there is a place in New Hamburg that has helped do miracles. I'll be in touch. Meanwhile... we pray and send love... Jen and John

Unknown said...

Annette.....I'm sitting here at home, as I wasn't able to make it north this weekend. I do want to make the trip over the next few months to come visit you. If we could meet in Niagra Falls, like you suggested, that would be great. I could stay at my brother/sister-in-laws and then drive up and visit with you, Tom and the boys. I know Emma Sage would love to see Ryan again!

Please know you are continously in my thoughts and prayers and I have faith that a new game plan will be found and that it will help you slay this monster.

All my love, Tara Marie & Emma Sage and clan

Anonymous said...

I just logged on today and noticed what I had missed from not logging on for almost a whole week. I don't know what to say......
You are a very strong person, Annette. I'm sorry you and the boys have to go through this. We pray for healing everyday. We will also now pray for happy days for you!
Sending you Love and Hugs!!!
Coby and the Boys

All 4 My Gals said...

I love you Annette and am praying constantly!

Anonymous said...

Dear Annette: It is hard to describe the sadness and frustration that even I felt at the news of your test results. I can only imagine what it felt like for you. You and your family are being constantly carried in the thoughts and prayers of many, many people.

I wish you peace, and the courage to keep finding the light, this day.

Lynn BF

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear that you're resurfacing for air after the initial shock-

I so wish I could do more to help, but please know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Chris (Nana's Mom)

Anonymous said...

To the Lammer fam.
I am happy to read that your pastor was some comfort to you,
and that you are climbing out of that dark valley and is able to some light, and soon you will stand on top see the sun rise again, and Tom and the boys will see your smile again.
Uncle Homer & Aunt Joan

Michelle said...

I'm glad to hear that your spirts have been lifted and you have a more positive outlook. You're constantly in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Annette, you're in my thoughts and prayers today and every day. I have faith that you are going to beat this, and look forward to the day when we can meet in person and Emma and I can shower you with real (not virtual!) hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hi Annette, Don't know what to say. Haven't checked in for a week--- and what a week to miss! Your fear and discouragement sounded so raw last week. Yet, even in your dispair, you were reminded of God's nearness. He does hold you in the palm of His hand(Isaiah)
In the dark days after David's death I sometimes felt like I was clinging to a microscopic thread that kept me connected to God. Over time the thread has varied in size from a thread to a large braided rope. I think now that that it is there only for my sense of security. God remains constant. We continue to pray for your healing as well as joy for you and your family.
Love, Alice

Anonymous said...

Dear Annette and Tom
So glad you were able to have a week with your family, parents & Lisa & Steve and family at the cottage, even though you felt ill at times. It's a time to look back on with joy. I had an email from your mom and with deep sadness we read that the chemo had not done what so many had prayed for. I enjoy reading your blog and your honesty about your feelings. We have prayed daily for your family that God would take away this terrible desease. Your writings bring tears to my eyes, you are such an inspiration to so many. I still always think about the "Weaver" poem. We are so thankful that your mom is doing a better. Here is a text we hope may comfort you both. Psalm 94:19 "In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul".

Under His wings I am safely abiding, though the night deepens and the tempest are wild; Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me, He has redeemed me, and I am His child.
May God grant you His peace.
Love Peter & Susan Nauta

Paulette said...

Annette, my name is Paulette. I saw your need for prayer on another site I had visited earlier today. I came by to read your blog and have spent a few minutes in prayer here.
I am all to familiar with cancer, not having it myself but having two of my dearest friends battled it for several years at the same time. I made it a priority to be with them both to be supportive and basically go to treatments and such with them.
I am going to come here often to lend my support to you through prayer and listening.
I am sorry for your news of the cancer returning but God is still in the miracle business. I have you and your family in my daily prayer journal. I do not take that lightly.
Blessings to you, and your family.