Monday, July 09, 2007

"Chewing the Fat"

"Chewing the Fat" is a blog by David Hingsburger. I heard Dave speak at the first Down syndrome conference I attended - way back in May 2002. What he spoke about was hard to hear - painful even - but it was the truth and he opened up my eyes. He also taught me a great deal in that one hour session.

Dave's blog is amazing. He sees incredible things in the ordinary. He opens my eyes and makes me think. He makes me laugh. I haven't been keeping up to date on my blog reading and missed this entry from July 1. But, I think it's a great piece and so I wanted to share it with you. Read it. And while you're there, take a whirl through his blog and enjoy the read!

I have had many thoughts about what Ryan will or will not do in the future. Most of those thoughts occured shortly after he was born and in the first year of his life. It's funny... but as time goes on, I think less and less about what he will or will not be able to do (although I will never stop teaching him so that he will be ABLE to do what HE wants to do). I have thought about Ryan driving a car but honestly, when I did think about it, it fell into the category of "probably not". Shame on me. Thanks, David, for once again opening my eyes!


Christina M said...

Thanks for the link, I loved it!

All 4 My Gals said...

I love him too. :) I know your summer is busy and I'm glad we can catch up in person soon! YIPEE!!